The Petrol Zagreb Group

The company is engaged in the sale of petroleum derivatives, petroleum products and other merchandise in Croatia.

Basic information

Responsible person

Simona Kostrevc

Activities of the company

Petrol d.o.o. is the sole owner of Petrol javna rasvjeta d.o.o. and a 75 percent owner of Adria-Plin d.o.o. The Petrol Zagreb Group is active in the Croatian market in the sale of fuels and petroleum products, merchandise and services, and energy and solutions. 
In  2023,  the  Petrol  Zagreb  Group  sold  1,120.9  thousand  tonnes  of  fuels  and  petroleum products, down 8 percent on the previous year, and EUR 152.4 million of merchandise and services.  In  2023,  the  Petrol  Zagreb  Group as  a  whole  generated EUR  1,179.1  million  in revenue from contracts with customers, down 21 percent from 2022. Its operating profit stood at EUR 28.0 million in 2023, an increase of EUR 30.0 million from the previous year. The Group’s net profit for 2023 totalled EUR 19.9 million, an increase of  EUR 24.2 million from 2022. The Petrol Zagreb Group operated 202 service stations at the end of 2023. The group’s equity totalled EUR 261.6 million as at 31 December 2023.


Petrol d.o.o.

Savska Opatovina 36, 10000 Zagreb