Discussion of agenda item 5 of the 35th General Meeting of Shareholders of Petrol d.d., Ljubljana

Pursuant to the provisions of the Slovenian Companies Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, Nos. 65/09 – official consolidated text, 33/11, 91/11, 32/12, 57/12, 44/13 – CC dec., 82/13, 55/15, 15/17, 22/19 – ZPosS, 158/20 – ZIntPK-C and 18/21; “ZGD-1”), it will not be possible to discuss item 5 on the extended general meeting agenda (as published on 2 December 2022 at the websites of SEOnet and Petrol d.d., Ljubljana) at the 35th General Meeting of Shareholders of Petrol d.d., Ljubljana on 27 December 2022 due to an administrative error in the publishing of the request to supplement the agenda of the 35th General Meeting of Shareholders of Petrol d.d., Ljubljana, as a result of which the official publication was not made at the AJPES website.

Pursuant to Article 298 of the ZGD-1, an additional agenda item may be discussed at the general meeting only if it is published in the manner referred to in Article 296 of the ZGD-1, which includes publication at the AJPES website, otherwise it shall be discussed at the next general meeting.

With the aim to ensure that the relevant agenda item is discussed as soon as possible, the notice convening the 36th General Meeting of Shareholders of Petrol d.d., Ljubljana will be published on Friday, 23 December 2022. The 36th General Meeting of Shareholders of Petrol d.d., Ljubljana will be held on 23 January 2023. The agenda will include item “Removal and election of a substitute member of the Supervisory Board of Petrol d.d., Ljubljana” with the same content as that of item 5 on the extended agenda of the 35th General Meeting which was published at the Ljubljana Stock Exchange’s SEOnet website on 2 December 2022.

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mag. Barbara Jama Živalič