SDH d.d. request to inform the shareholders of Petrol d.d., Ljubljana
On 30 November 2023, the Supervisory Board of Petrol d.d., Ljubljana received a letter from SDH d.d. (SSH), in which SSH called upon the Supervisory Board of Petrol d.d., Ljubljana to provide additional clarification regarding the changes in the Management Board of the company. With the aim of ensuring adequate information to all shareholders of the company, the relevant response is made public.
The Supervisory Board of Petrol d.d., Ljubljana’s decisions related to the appointment of the members of the Management Board of Petrol d.d., Ljubljana and termination of the terms of office of the relevant members of the Management Board of Petrol d.d., Ljubljana were informed and made independently, by observing all legal rules and corporate governance standards. When making the relevant decisions, the Supervisory Board also strictly observed the economic benefits of the company, whereby the members of the Management Board who resigned did not receive severance pay, while the former President of the Management Board is entitled to severance pay based on the termination agreement which was concluded at the initiative of the former President of the Management Board.
All the relevant information in this respect was published in due time and manner so that it reached all interested stakeholders.