E 3, d.o.o.

Basic information

Responsible person

Jože Smolič (General Manager), Miloš Protić (Procuration Holder)

The main activities of the company are the supply of electricity, the electricity generation from renewable sources and cogeneration, activities related to efficient energy use and the supply of steam and hot water.

In 2023, E 3, d.o.o. sold 1.2 TWh of electricity and 7.4 thousand MWh of heat and generated 2.7 thousand MWh of electricity. In 2023, it generated EUR 177.5 million in revenue from contracts with customers. Its operating profit stood at EUR 11.8 million. Its net profit for 2023 was EUR 10.3 million. The company’s equity totalled EUR 22.9 million as at 31 December 2023.


E 3, d.o.o.

Prvomajska ulica 21, 5000 Nova Gorica