
We are the largest supplier of bitumen in Slovenia and at the same time the only one in the wider region that can offer you a full range of bituminous materials for the smooth and continuous operation of your business.

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We take care of quality and reliable supply of bitumen

As the largest provider of bitumen in Slovenia, we provide a full range of bituminous materials for all needs.

With the largest distribution network in the country and the most reliable logistics, we guarantee the shortest delivery times. Our local sales representative ensures flawless service and provides expert assistance.

Offer of bituminous materials

An offer for any need

We offer a full range of bituminous materials for all needs:

  • Conventional paving grade bitumen
  • Polymer modified paving grade bitumen
  • Purpose-made bitumen with various additives
  • Industrial bitumen for the production of waterproofing materials
  • Bitumen emulsions

Verified top quality

All our bitumen and bitumen emulsions come with the appropriate certificates and declarations, and also comply with EN 12591/2009, EN 14023/2010 and EN 13808/2005 quality standards.

We ensure that your needs are met, by supplying bitumen from Italy, Austria, Hungary, and partly also from Germany, France, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Serbia. The bitumen emulsions are of Slovenian and Croatian origin.

We make sure your operation runs smoothly

Petrol also offers transport to asphalt plants or directly to construction sites, thus contributing to the smooth and quality production of asphalt or the rehabilitation of existing roads.

At any moment, we can meet all the requested delivery dates, and supply you with the required quantities of bitumen of the prescribed quality.

Contact us

Tadej Prevec