Natural gas and Liquified petroleum gas

We are one of the largest suppliers of natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). We offer 20 years of experience with transition from classic fossil fuels to less polluting alternative fossil fuels, such as natural gas and LPG.

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Gas as an alternative fossil fuel

Gaseous fuels are a good substitute to use when renewable energy sources cannot yet meet all energy needs. Our natural gas supply provides heating and cooling. We supply it to small and large companies, as well as for technological processes and CHP. By building and operating gas pipelines, we help cities ensure a reliable supply.

In areas without a natural gas network, we can build gas filling stations with liquefied petroleum gas, which is an environmentally and financially excellent alternative to heating oil.

Offer suitable for clients’ needs

Natural gas

Natural gas, the cleanest fossil fuel, is one of the key energy products in the transition to a low-carbon society for industry and other major energy consumers. Reduce your exposure to price fluctuations and manage the costs of natural gas.

We offer small business clients with an annual energy consumption of up to 10,000 Sm3 the supply of natural gas as per our pricelist.

Large business clients receive personalised offers that suit their needs for a cost-effective and reliable supply of natural gas.

Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)

In areas without a natural gas network, we can build gas filling stations with liquefied petroleum gas, which is an environmentally and financially excellent alternative to heating oil. We perform 10-15 large deliveries per day and provide remote gas supply control for continuous supply.

We have helped many clients to transition to LPG in the last 20 years. Clients such as Mlekarna Planika, JUB, Pivka Perutninarstvo, Kras, Beti, CPK, Kolektor CPG, Komunala Slovenske Gorice and others.

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