The Petrol Beograd Group

The main activity of the group is the sale of petroleum products and other merchandise in Serbia.

Basic information

Responsible person

Uroš Bider (General Manager of the Parent Company), Miljko Vlačić (Procuration Holder of the Parent Company)

Activities of the group

In  2020,  Petrol  d.o.o., Beograd  became the sole  owner  of  Petrol  Lumennis PB  JO  d.o.o. Beograd  and  Petrol  Lumennis  VS  d.o.o.  Beograd,  and  in  2021,  the  sole  owner  of  Petrol Lumennis  ZA  JO  d.o.o.,  Petrol  Lumennis  ŠI  JO  d.o.o.,  Petrol  KU  2021  d.o.o.  and  Petrol Lumennis KI JO d.o.o., which are engaged in public lighting projects in Serbia. The Petrol d.o.o. company’s principal activity is selling fuels and petroleum products, merchandise and services in Serbia.

The volume of fuels and petroleum products sold in 2023 totalled 109.2 thousand tonnes, down 3 percent from the previous year. In 2023 the Petrol Beograd Group as a whole generated EUR 108.9  million  in  revenue  from  contracts  with  customers,  down  18  percent  from  2022.  Its operating profit stood at EUR 3.9 million in 2023, at the same level as in 2022. The group’s net profit for 2023 totalled EUR 3.5 million, up 8 percent on the previous year. Petrol d.o.o. Beograd operated 17 service stations at the end of 2023. The group’s equity totalled EUR 38.0 million as at 31 December 2023.


Petrol d.o.o., Beograd

Omladinskih brigada 88-90, 11070 Novi Beograd, Srbija