Petrol Crna Gora MNE d.o.o.

The main activity of the company is the sale of petroleum products and other merchandise in Montenegro.

Basic information

Responsible person

Tadej Zorjan (General Manager), Bojana Lukić (Procuration Holder)

Activities of the company

The  company’s principal activity  is  selling  fuels and  petroleum products, merchandise  and services in Montenegro.

The volume of fuels and petroleum products sold in 2023 totalled 52.3 thousand tonnes, up 4 percent from the previous year. In 2023 Petrol Crna Gora MNE d.o.o. generated EUR 63.1 million in revenue from contracts with customers, down 16 percent from the year before. Its operating profit stood at EUR 1.9 million in 2023. Its net profit for 2023 totalled EUR 1.6 million. Petrol Crna Gora MNE d.o.o. operated 15 service stations at the end of 2023. The company’s equity totalled EUR 24.9 million as at 31 December 2023.


Petrol Crna Gora MNE d.o.o.

Ulica Slobode br. 2, 81000 Podgorica, Crna Gora