The three capitals project - Ljubljana, Zagreb and Bratislava - brought together 9 partners to promote e-mobility, intermodal travel and green transport services in the urban nodes of the core TEN-T network. It has thus made an important contribution to the implementation of the European Alternative Fuels Strategy.


Basic project information

Project duration: from March 2017 to December 2022

Amount of eligible costs for the consortium as a whole: EUR 4,473,060.  

Percentage of co-financing: 85%


  • Petrol d.d. (Slovenia), consortium lead partner and consortium coordinator
  • Petrol d.o.o. (Croatia)
  • Západoslovenská energetika, a.s. (Slovakia)
  • Slovenske železnice - Potniški promet (Slovenia)
  • Go4 (Slovakia)
  • GoOpti (Slovenia)

The project is co-funded by the Connecting Europe Facility.

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Project description

Strategic partnership for urban mobility

The URBAN-E project brought together three municipalities - Ljubljana, Zagreb and Bratislava - with companies experienced in electric vehicle charging infrastructure in cohesion countries, a railway company and innovative B2C and B2B transport service providers.

The URBAN-E project, a study with pilot implementation, was carried out in the central urban nodes of Ljubljana, Zagreb and Bratislava from March 2017 to December 2022. It included the testing of urban green transport between Ljubljana and Zagreb, the deployment of parking sensors to test parking management options and smart charging use cases.

167 EV charging stations and intermodal platform

The project has installed a network of 167 charging stations, including 144 conventional (slow charging up to 22 kW) AC and 23 AC/DC fast charging stations. The installed charging infrastructure focuses on intermodality and convenient integration with other transport modes, and is integrated into urban transport strategies aimed at decarbonising transport. It also contributes to the implementation of national sustainable mobility plans.

The adopted and integrated ICT systems for CPO and EMSP services enable the management of the charging infrastructure, different urban use cases and interoperability between urban charging networks and other long-distance charging infrastructures. The intermodal platform developed in the city of Bratislava with the “Po meste” app is an innovative solution that supports green transport services in Bratislava and is a key tool for citizens, city administrations and transport planners to make more informed decisions leading towards zero-emission cities.

Aim of the project

Contributing to the Global Transport Electrification Project

URBAN-E is part of the so-called Global Project, which aims to enable the mass deployment of electric vehicles in urban nodes along the core network corridors throughout the Cohesion Region by deploying 1500 slow (AC) and 200 fast (DC) charging stations.

The aim is to promote e-mobility, intermodal travel and green transport services, as well as interoperability and the standardisation of urban and long-distance charging infrastructure and open access for all electric vehicles to create a single integrated network. The project aims to further reduce CO2 emissions by increasing the share of electric vehicles, to enable the use of innovative financial instruments in the deployment phase and to update electric vehicle policies at the city and municipal levels.

An important step towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals

With its strategy until 2025, Petrol is committed to a decisive energy transition, in order to co-create a green future. The development of new solutions in the field of electromobility and mobility services is an important pillar of Petrol’s sustainable and innovative business. 

The project has resulted in the following savings for Petrol in Ljubljana and Zagreb:

  • 1,249.83 tonnes less CO2
  • 2,339.25 kg less NOx
  • 2.01 kg less PM 
  • 467,850.77 litres less fuel  

The completed project thus contributes to Petrol’s strategic sustainability objectives, national energy and climate targets and the European climate neutrality target (including the EU interim target of at least 55% emission reduction by 2030).