Silver Business Card

Choose between the personal and general Petrol Silver Business Card. The former is issued to an individual and is non-transferable, whereas the latter is transferable, issued to a company, and can be used by more employees.

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The Silver Business Card is intended for companies and other legal persons, and can be used for all types of business purposes. It is intended for purchases of fuel and any other goods and services at Petrol points of sale. As opposed to the Grey Business Card, it can be used for purchases of the entire range of Petrol products and services.

The card can be used throughout the Petrol service station network in Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, and Kosovo. On the first and sixteenth of each month, we prepare a list of all your purchases during the previous half-month period by individual card or vehicle, and send the list with the invoice to your company head office.

Advantages of the card:

  • consolidated half-month invoice
  • transparent list of purchases by individual cards
  • special invoice for VAT purposes
  • option of regular tracking of purchases by individual cards using the ePoslovanje website
  • no lower limit for purchases at Petrol service stations
  • no membership fees, no application fee

Choose between Silver Business Cards I, J, P or R:

Used exclusively in Slovenia Used in Slovenia and abroad (Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo) Description
Card I Card J Silver Business Card issued to a specific user (name and surname).
Card P Card R Silver Business Card issued to a company or proprietor.

How do I get a Silver Business Card?

To get a Silver Business Card, please follow the following steps:

  • Fill out the contract and the card application form.
  • Attach a copy of the signatory’s identity document and a statement that the copy of identity document is intended solely for concluding the relevant contract.
  • Attach a solvency report that you can get from your bank. The report must list the transaction volume within the last month and a statement that the transaction account is not blocked..
  • Sent the filled-out contract and documentation to the closest wholesale office:

Zaloška cesta 259, 1260 Ljubljana-Polje
Telephone: +386 1 58 63 535, e-mail:

Turnerjeva ulica 24, 2313 Fram
Telephone: +386 1 58 63 535, e-mail:

Prvomajska ulica 21, 5000 Nova Gorica
Telephone: +386 1 58 63 535, e-mail: