The Supervisory Board of Petrol d.d., Ljubljana Appoints Two New Members of the Management Board

Ljubljana, 14 December 2023 – At its 46th meeting, which was held today, the Supervisory Board of Petrol d.d., Ljubljana appointed two new members of the Management Board.

On a proposal from President of the Management Board Sašo Berger, the Supervisory Board unanimously adopted a resolution on appointing two new members of the Management Board for a five-year term of office. Metod Podkrižnik, a Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering and a Master of Economic Sciences, will join Petrol’s Management Board on 1 January 2024 and will be responsible for B2B and B2G sales, natural gas, electricity and operations management. Drago Kavšek, a Bachelor of Economics, will join Petrol’s Management Board on 1 February 2024 and will be responsible for finance, information and risks.

The Management Board of Petrol d.d., Ljubljana will once again have six members: Sašo Berger – President, Jože Smolič, Marko Ninčević, Drago Kavšek and Metod Podkrižnik – Members, and Zoran Gračner – Worker Director.

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mag. Barbara Jama Živalič