Cross Border Electric Charging Project, CROSS-E, to Install High Power Charging Networks Across Europe

The Petrol Group, together with Allego, Emobility Solutions and GreenWay, have been selected to facilitate the rollout of charging infrastructure for electric vehicles along key TEN-T corridors

The CROSS-E project has been established to enable path towards future zero-emission travel through the realization of high-powered electric vehicle (EV) charging points along key routes and ports across Europe. The four companies selected to carry out the project, Allego, Petrol Group, GreenWay, and Emobility Solutions, will install 911 high-powered charging points (150 kW and 350 kW) at 239 locations tailored to both light and heavy-duty electric vehicles (LDV & HDV). The project has been selected to implement 130 million euros investments in high power charging infrastructure with a total grant of 34.45 million euros from the European Union and is scheduled to be finalized by October 2026.

The primary goals of CROSS-E include:
•    Strengthening cross-border connectivity between Cohesion countries and Western Europe.
•    Establishing initial corridors for electric trucks along key logistics routes.
•    Reducing wait times at locations projected to experience high seasonal utilization. 

The CROSS-E project comprises two intertwined initiatives: CROSS-E General and Cross-E Cohesion. These projects will receive co-funding from the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF), the EU funding programme supporting European transport infrastructure. It is, therefore, the aim to complement the existing infrastructure with enhanced cross-border connections between neighbouring countries. 

The four entities chosen for CROSS-E will operate across eight EU Member States: Croatia, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Belgium, Italy, and the Netherlands. Collectively, they will install 838 recharging points for LDVs (150 – 350 kW) and 73 recharging points for HDVs (350 kW).

Petrol Group plans to deploy 65 charging points (150 kW and 350 kW) on 20 key TEN-T locations in Slovenia from which on 9 locations will introduce charging infrastructure for heavy-duty electric vehicles (HDV) and 40 charging points on 15 TEN-T locations in Croatia from which 8 locations will offer charging solutions for heavy-duty electric vehicles (HDV). 

CROSS-E installations will adhere strictly to the European Commission’s Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Regulation (AFIR), guaranteeing open access to the recharging infrastructure. All locations will be accessible to the public 24/7 and will support roaming and open-access payment methods including NFC, credit cards, and app-based payments. The deployment of charging points for specifically Heavy Duty Vehicles (HDV) in selected markets will also offer valuable insights ahead of broader installations across all project partners and countries.

Richard Ferrer, European Commission, Head of the Alternative Fuels Sector at CINEA, the European Climate Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency declared: “With this large-scale ambitious project, the European Union is supporting an important new phase to decarbonise mobility in Europe, in particular through the deployment of an electric recharging infrastructure for heavy-duty vehicles, right at the moment the first electric trucks are delivered on the market. Together with the 4 involved private frontrunners, we stay fully committed to achieve Green Deal objectives for the benefit of EU citizens and economic operators!”

Marko Ninčević, Member of the Management Board of Petrol responsible for Mobility: “Our commitment to energy transition drives us to seek innovative solutions that will shape the future of mobility. We believe that sustainable mobility is key to the green transition and improving the quality of life in our society. We are aware that this is just one of the pathways to climate neutrality. Achieving these goals requires combining forces and collaborating with various stakeholders. We are proud to have become a significant partner in the European project CROSS-E, within which we will, among other things, install the first high power charging stations for EV and trucks in Slovenia and Croatia. By expanding the Petrol´s charging network and improving our services, we enhance the customer experience and further position Petrol Group as the most comprehensive provider of mobility solutions in the region.”

Peter Badík, Chief Executive Officer of GreenWay, said: “We are very pleased to be a member of the CROSS-E consortium and continue to deploy high powered charging infrastructure and high-quality recharging services for Europe’s EV drivers, across Poland, Slovakia and especially in our newest market, Croatia. This infrastructure, and these services, are particularly needed in Croatia and under this project GreenWay will be deploying at least 16 ultra-fast charging hubs equipped with at least 64 ultra-fast chargers, all fully integrated into the GW public recharging network and designed to support smooth, reliable, well supported travel for EV drivers.”

Janos Ungar, Chief Executive Officer of Emobility Solutions, said: “We believe that regional CEF projects like CROSS-E are the foundations towards a green, sustainable and reliable zero emission road transportation. Emobility Solutions has a decade of experience in European electric mobility infrastructure development, and it is an honour being able to represent Hungary in this cooperation, as we know that still a lot of work must be done to increase the number of high-power chargers along the highways, while maximising the utilization of the renewable energy. With the CROSS-E project our aim is to showcase best practices for developing high power charging HUBs in a smart way, with minimum dependence on the grid by utilizing local PV production and energy storage solutions.”

Mathieu Bonnet, Chief Executive Officer of Allego, said: “The demand for charging is growing as EVs take more of the market share in Europe. Charging infrastructure is pivotal in enabling a seamless transition to a fully electric fleet. By collaborating with Emobility Solutions, GreenWay, and Petrol who share our vision of a future characterized by emission-free mobility, we are poised to bring this shared vision to fruition.”

Projects like these play a vital role in realizing the EU’s ambitious objective of reducing CO2 emissions with legislation set to take effect in 2035 mandating the sale of only electric vehicles. By implementing high-powered electric vehicle charging infrastructure, CROSS-E can expedite the adoption of electric vehicles, thereby contributing to the reduction of carbon emissions from traditional fossil fuel vehicles. This concerted effort not only fosters environmental stewardship but also promotes cleaner air, healthier communities, and a more sustainable future for generations to come.


The CROSS-E project has been chosen by the European Commission as part of the Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Facility (AFIF) within the framework of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF), the EU’s funding program supporting European transport infrastructure. More information on AFIF and the funded projects can be found here

About partners:

The Petrol Group is made up of the parent company, Petrol d.d. Ljubljana, 38 subsidiaries and 6 jointly controlled and associated companies operating across 9 countries. The Group’s competitive advantage is the range of comprehensive energy sources supply and energy solutions offered to customers. 
We are breaking new ground in the sustainable mobility and are proud to be part of exciting development projects that are highlighting all that we are and all that we can do. By being one of the first companies in the region that has established e-mobility department, Petrol took a leadership role towards electric mobility transitions and carbon free society. E-mobility services range from EV charging solutions, through professional assistance in the planning and roll-out of e-charging stations to operative leasing of e-vehicles, corporate fleet management and assistance to end users.  With a portfolio of 495 charging stations with more than 900 charging points in Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro by the end of 2023, we are providing independent, reliable, and safe charging solutions with 100% renewable energy to EV drivers. Partnering with the industry, the public sector, research centres, suppliers and households, Petrol is leading the way towards achieving key environmental goals, recognizing that energy is us, together.For more information, please visit:    

Petrol contacts:
Investors: Barbara Jama Živalič, Director of Finance,  

Media: Brigita Zorec, Director of Corporate communications, 

GreenWay (GW), is a leading, independent provider of electric vehicle recharging solutions in Central & Eastern Europe. The GW network has over 100 000 registered EV driving customers and 2 200 public and private charging points under operation at more than 600 locations across Poland, Slovakia, Czechia and Croatia. These locations include both AC and DC chargers, locations, with stationary storage devices and solar panels to provide locally generated renewable energy, and 100% renewable energy wherever technically possible. 13 locations for charging heavy duty vehicles are under preparation. GW offers a public charging network for EV drivers of all types, including a suite of customer support services and roaming partnerships and comprehensive solutions for business and fleet clients. For more information on GreenWay Hrvatska:   

GreenWay Hrvatska Contact: Ana Cosic  - Marketing Manager,, 099 161 2624 

Emobility Solutions is a well-known and respected provider on the national and international electromobility market. Emobility Solutions provides complex B2B solutions, including technical design, charger installation, smart charging services, integration of photovoltaic and stationary storage systems, preventive maintenance, and troubleshooting. Innovation is part of Emobility Solutions’ DNA, the company is actively participating in several R&D projects, such as developing state of art on-site test device for high power chargers, piloting vehicle to grid in a public environment.  
Emobility Solutions Contacts:
Investors: Janos Ungar, Managing Director,
Media: Tamas Toth-Balo, Chief Strategy Officer, 

Allego is a leading provider of electric vehicle charging solutions, dedicated to accelerating the transition to electric mobility with 100% renewable energy. Allego has developed a comprehensive portfolio of innovative charging infrastructure and proprietary software, including its Allamo and EV Cloud software platforms. With a network of 35,000 charging points (and counting) spanning 16 countries, Allego delivers independent, reliable, and safe charging solutions, agnostic of vehicle model or network affiliation. Founded in 2013 and publicly listed on the NYSE in 2022, Allego now employs a team of 200 people striving every day to make charging accessible, sustainable, and enjoyable for all. For more information, please visit 

Allego Contacts:


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