Petrol opens newly installed CHP plant in Ravne na Koroškem
Ravne na Koroškem, 22 January – Today Petrol d.d. and the Municipality of Ravne na Koroškem opened a newly installed plant for combined heat and power generation, an important milestone for both Petrol and the municipality in the transition towards an even more efficient district heating system in Ravne na Koroškem.
In terms of output, the newly installed plant for combined heat and power generation, manufactured by the Austrian company GE Jenbacher, generates 2,676 MW in power and 2,529 MW in heat. This marks the end of the first stage of the investments by Petrol d.d., Ljubljana in modernising CHP capacities in the amount of EUR 1,600,000.
At the opening ceremony, Rok Vodnik, member of the Petrol Management Board, said: “According to the company’s vision for the period until 2022, as an important regional supplier of comprehensive and sustainable solutions, Petrol is committed to providing energy, retail, mobility and advanced services with an excellent user experience. We will continue to develop successful business models with innovative approaches, digital solutions, cost effectiveness and partnerships; without a doubt, the partnership with the Municipality of Ravne na Koroškem is one of the examples we are particularly proud of.”
In July 2017, operating support ran out for the old CHP equipment (three motor-generator modules with a joint installed capacity of 8,169 MW in terms of power and 8,298 MW in terms of heat). Petrol thus took on the project of installing two new modules. The existing plant with three modules already surpassed the actual needs in terms of heat, and in 2016 Petrol started to recover waste heat from Ravne na Koroškem’s steel industry for district heating and household hot water. In terms of both technical and economic considerations, installing just two new modules was the optimal solution.
The old modules, which have been in operation since 1999, underwent complete renovation in 2013. In May 2018, the third module was dismantled, and the other two remain operational and provide a tertiary reserve for the electricity supply system.
New cogeneration modules installed in two stages
The replacement of old cogeneration modules is being carried out in two stages. In the first stage, the new model was moved to the Ravne na Koroškem heating plant, to the location of the former 29 MW hot water boiler, and it was put into operation in the 2018/2019 heating season. The second stage encompasses the installation of the second module, supplied in October 2018 together with the accompanying equipment, which will become operational in the 2019/2020 heating season. It will be installed to replace the previous module no. 3.
By installing two highly efficient new CHP modules, the modernisation of the Ravne na Koroškem heating plant is completed. With the newly acquired equipment, Petrol will generate 57% of all required heat within the municipality; taking into account waste heat from metallurgical processes, this share amounts to 83%. Given that the combination of waste heat and heat generated by a highly efficient CHP plant will meet over 50% of heat needs annually, the district heating system in Ravne na Koroškem will continue to be efficient in the future. By modernising production, Petrol has reduced greenhouse gas emissions and ensured a long-term reliable, safe and competitive supply of district heat for customers.