Good practices
At Petrol, we are aware of the power of co-creation and co-innovation. We dynamically connect with different players in many areas. This is how we create new values.
Aware of the major challenges facing the wider packaging and packaging waste industry, Petrol Group seeks to make meaningful steps towards the transition to more sustainable service packaging with pervasive ideas and ambitious goals. The impetus for these changes is legislation that limits single-use plastics and increases required packaging waste management goals, customers who are increasingly considering sustainable consumption aspects, and our own commitment, as Petrol Group aims to change consumer behaviour patterns by acting as a role model. At the end of 2018, with 27 different suppliers, Petrol carried out a set of sustainable workshops in the field of service packaging. We were looking for best practices and breakthrough ideas for strategic design of the transition to more sustainable service packaging. Together, we have outlined the guidelines for the sustainable transformation of Petrol's service packaging by 2030.
With a consortium of 19 partners, we have successfully applied for the public call "Promotion of the Implementation of Research and Development Programs (TRL3-6)" of the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, priority area S4 - Networks for the Transition to the Circular Economy, with the program Using the Biomass Potential for The Development of Advanced Materials and Bio-based Products. We are involved in two research and development projects, namely the Development of Technologies for Energy Utilization of Waste Material Flows and Development of Prototypes for Energy Utilization of Waste Material Flows. The program is implemented in the period 2016-2020.
We have successfully applied for a tender by the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology and public agencies SPIRIT Slovenia under Pilot / Demonstration projects - 1st segment: conversion, distribution
and management of energy, and won two projects. In a consortium of nine partners we manage the project Demonstration of Integrated Energy Management (DEUP). With a consortium of four partners we participate in the project Optimization of Energy Conversion to Reduce the Use of Hydrogen Fossil Fuels in Industrial Glass Melting (OPERH2).
In cooperation with the Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering of the University of Ljubljana, we have implemented the project Program Through a Creative Path to Practical Knowledge. Using an innovative, problem oriented and group approach to solving practical challenges at the location of a real water system in the Municipality of Jezersko, the project aimed to support the development of competencies, the acquisition of practical knowledge and creative thinking of participating students, which in turn allows them to facilitate the transition from education to employment in the economy. Project partners were the Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering of the University of Ljubljana, Municipality of Jezersko, Komunala Kranj, and Petrol.